Your Support Goes Long Way
Support Us
The Edmund Rice Centre Western Australia is a registered charity. If you would like to support our work, your donation will be most gratefully accepted.
All donations over $2 are tax deductible. As we are required to issue a tax receipt for all donations, please send an email to when you donate, including your full name, postal address, email address and donation amount. You may also choose to make your donation to a specific project.
Thank you for your donation, we do appreciate your support!
Direct Deposit
Account name: Edmund Rice Centre Western Australia Inc
BSB: 066 183
Account number: 1009 1408
Reference: Your SurnameDtn, e.g. “SmithDtn”
Paypal/Credit Card
Click on “Donate” below to be directed to our Paypal donation gateway.
There Are Other Ways to Help!
The heart of the Edmund Rice Centre WA is its people. The financial support of our benefactors and generous gifts of time and energy from our incredible volunteers enable us to continue our work.