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Kaya! Edmund Rice WA Whadjuk Noongar Boodja-k yaakiny
Hello! Edmund Rice WA stands on Whadjuk Noongar Country

Ngalak kadatj Noongar burdiya wer moort
We acknowledge Noongar Elders and families

Nidja Whadjuk Noongar Boodja – Kalyakoorl
This is Whadjuk Noongar Land – Always


Your Support Goes Long Way

Support Us

The Edmund Rice Centre Western Australia is a registered charity. Our approach is to welcome people from all cultures, faiths and backgrounds, create safe spaces, enable connection and friendships, and create a feeling of belonging.

We have a warm and vibrant community where staff, volunteers and those with whom we connect always feel encouraged, included and welcome.

Your support matters.

It matters to the people and families who enage with our services, to their communities, and to our WA community as a whole.

Help us to reach out and change lives.

To support us and make a donation please click on the Give Now logo below to access our Give Now Page. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Thank you for your donation – we really appreciate your support!



girl hugging

There Are Other Ways to Help!

The heart of the Edmund Rice Centre WA is its people. The financial support of our benefactors and generous gifts of time and energy from our incredible volunteers enable us to continue our work.